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Category: venture capital

The Ballad Of The Gillmor Gang

Is there a correlation between the volatility of the Gillmor Gang and the state of Bubble 2.0? Which will blow apart first? If it blows, there’s a much shorter distance to fall.

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Nothing Ventured

When it cost a bundle to buy the basic infrastructure to create an Internet-based businesss — venture money was critical. It’s still expensive to scale and handle large bandwidth requirements, but it’s not as bad as it used to be. When asking the question about whether the venture capital model is broken, one might ask what are top 10 things to remember when building a Web application-based business today? Are any of those things made easier or better with venture capital funding?

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Good Money, Bad Money

One sign that the business of building businesses on the Web has changed since the bubble years is that entrepreneurs are talking about “good money” and “bad money.” Used to be that all money was good. The idea used to be to get as much money as you could from a VC, then go public as soon as you could. And of course investors would cooperate by buying lots of stock, causing the price to sky rocket. Quick riches and early retirement. Then on to create a second company that never quite captured the magic of the first.

The VC funded IPO is becoming rarer and rarer. I wonder if the Small Business Administration will be the new funder of small Web businesses?

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