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Category: arcadia

Peggy Honeywell:Clare Rojas

Clare RojasRecording artist Peggy Honeywell in the guise of visual artist Clare Rojas has contributed a beautiful untitled work to Arcadia 2007. Clare Rojas is a talented musician, filmmaker and painter. With all that going on, it’s wonderful that Clare took the time to create a piece especially for Arcadia.

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Marica Stuermer’s Botanical Barcode

Marcia StuermerThe Web is a great way to get an idea of how something looks. But in some ways it robs us of the depth and immediacy of direct experience. This is especially true when it comes to visual art. Marcia Stuermer’s contribution to Arcadia 2007, Botanical Barcode must be seen in person to fully appreciate its beauty. Stuermer samples moments in time, capturing them in resin. The artistry is in the moments she chooses.

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Barry McGee

Barry McGeeThis is the second time that Barry McGee has contributed to Arcadia. His piece for Arcadia 2005 inspired quite a bidding frenzy. Barry’s piece will be included in the Live Auction this year. If you can’t make the event — you can place an absentee bid. And you can check out Barry’s Untitled contribution and all the other art at the preview — Today (Sunday, 4/22) from 2 to 4pm at California Modern Gallery, 1035 Market Street.

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