This new MP3 player from Yahoo is a beautiful thing. It’s early yet, but this is the kind widget that will bring Yahoo back into the center of things. Arrington says they have some big plans for music, and music is a great place to start. And it all goes back to this blog post by Ian Rogers with the memorable quote: “Inconvenience doesn’t scale.”The player is written as unobtrusive javascript, so it’s simple to add to a page. It recognizes MP3 links and layers itself over the layout. I need to play with it a little more, but it looks like a very well thought out implementation.The reason to focus on music? Music changed Apple Computer to Apple. It introduced millions of users to Apple software and Macintosh. If Yahoo can get some things right with music, it will go a long way. To understand the elemental force of music, read “This is Your Brain on Music.”
Yahoo: This is Your Brain on Music
Published in culture hci interaction design music value