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echovar Posts

Nothing Ventured

When it cost a bundle to buy the basic infrastructure to create an Internet-based businesss — venture money was critical. It’s still expensive to scale and handle large bandwidth requirements, but it’s not as bad as it used to be. When asking the question about whether the venture capital model is broken, one might ask what are top 10 things to remember when building a Web application-based business today? Are any of those things made easier or better with venture capital funding?

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Google Gadgets

The further distribution of the Web. Google has gadgets you can insert into your Web site. It doesn’t matter who’s Web site the content is on, it’s where the content/gadget comes from and what kind of viewership begins to collect around it.

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If You Must Wireframe…

Do it in the browser. This approach to creating wireframes isn’t quite right, but it’s the right direction. Anything that moves us further from Powerpoint has got to be good.

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Will Ajax Spring A Leak?

As AJAX becomes more an more popular, will the browser providers move to fix problems with memory leaks? Programmers are working hard to plug the leaks — but considering the simplicity of the technology and its broad usage, there will be leaks.

Flash advocates will use this as an argument in favor of vector animation over AJAX. Corporations will be susceptible to AJAX FUD — and this may slow its uptake.

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